Overview of ShopBase account
With Account, you have a complete initial view of your stores. From the Account page, you can manage your account, staff accounts, staff permission, subscription plan, and store status, along with: Profile information: Your contact information, name, e-mail address, phone number. Store security: Your store access information. Billing information: Your billing information and method. In this section Account overview Understand ShopBase fee & charge (https://help.shoFew readersSet up Android Push Notifications for ShopBase mobile app
Enable push notifications in the ShopBase mobile application to receive relevant updates on changes, new sales and order issues. For those who use Android 13 and more, please follow this article for more details on how to enable push notification. Step-by-step tutorial Go to Google Play Store, search ShopBase mobile application click Install. 2. Once ShopBase fiFew readersUnderstand ShopBase fee & charge
Overview of fees and charges on ShopBase.PopularHow to change ShopBase pricing plan
Each ShopBase pricing plan offers a variety of features. There is no one specific plan that works for every business, but you can use this guide to help you decide which pricing plan works best for you. In this article A. Features on all ShopBase pricing plans B. Key differences of ShopBase pricing plan (key features, fee & charge) C. How to change ShopBase priciFew readersApply promotion code to your plan
When you activate your plan after the free trial, change your plan, or when your next billing cycle arrives, you can use a promo code to get a discounted subscription fee. Step by Step Tutorial Login to your account on ShopBase. Select the shop you want to add code to. Visit Settings Account. On this page, go to Account Overview section. 3. In tPopularUpdate billing information & payment methods
With ShopBase, you can easily and flexibly manage your budgets and store's revenue. In this article, we will walk you through step-by-step to discover how you can update monthly billing details and set up your payment providers. In this article A. Update billing information B. Set up payment providers A. Update billing information You can update your billing information in 2 different ways: Update in SFew readersSign up or log in to ShopBase
A quick guide to help you get started with ShopBase and starting making money on your online store.Some readersChange password to login into ShopBase dashboard
A short guide for ShopBase account owner to reset their password and continue selling onlineFew readersSet up & Update ShopBase Profile
Profile settings allow you to update or change your personal information (such as your email address and password) to ensure that your store is up and running smoothly. In this article, we'll show you how to set up and update your ShopBase profile in a few easy steps! In this article A. Select default language B. Complete your ShopBase profile C. Update your ShopBase profileFew readersAdd and manage staff accounts on ShopBase
As a store owner, you can create accounts for your staffs who can get access to ShopBase admin site and help to run the business together, without sharing highly private information (such as billing and subscription). In this article A. Understand the levels of permissions B. Add staff accounts C. Manage staff accounts D. Delete staff accounts A. UnSome readersSecure ShopBase account
This article will guide you on how to secure your ShopBase account to protect your business and private information from potential risk. Connecting to a random network may compromise your account and your customers data, which increases the risk of cyber security attacks. That's why ShopBase recommends these following steps to protect yourself, your business and your customers information. In this article A. Check recent login history B. How to log ouFew readersHow to switch between ShopBase stores
If you create more than one POD or dropshipping store on ShopBase, you can flexibly switch between your ShopBase stores at ease! In this article A. How to switch between stores under one account B. Different settings and permissions to users in different stores A. How to switch between stores under onFew readersClose your store on ShopBase
This is the instruction to close your store on ShopBase.Popular
Overview of Balance
ShopBase Balance is a credit account used to receive payments from customers (for orders processed via PrintBase) or pay fees and services to ShopBase. This section will walk you through all you need to know about your ShopBase Balance and how to efficiently manage it. In this section Understand ShopBase Balance What is PrintBase's Balance? ( readersUnderstand the reason for the refund/charge/hold in ShopBase Balance
To maintain a healthy and reliable platform, ShopBase always adheres to ShopBase's Terms of service and payment gateway policies. If fraudulent activity is detected, ShopBase may have to issue refunds or charge an additional fee. Details will be shown on Balance's invoice. Please refer to the table below for more details. Cancel order |—|—|—|—|Few readersUnderstand ShopBase Balance
ShopBase Balance is a credit account used to receive payments from customers (for orders processed via PrintBase) or pay fees and services to ShopBase. This article will help you to understand ShopBase Balance and the activities related to ShopBase Balance. In this article A. What are the sources of your Balance? B. What can you use your Balance for? C. Check your Balance D.PopularView Balance history
ShopBase Balance is a credit account used to receive payments from customers (for example, orders processed via PrintBase) or pay fees and services to ShopBase. With each ShopBase Balance account receiving money or being deducted, there will be 1 invoice created. In each invoice, there will be transactions to represent each plus / minus movement of that invoice. Usually each invoice will be associated with 1 transaction. But with the invoices related to the order refund, there will be 2 transactFew readersBalance threshold and top-up
You can top up from your bank account into your ShopBase Balance and use this funds for our service. There are two ways to top up your Balance: manually and automatically. In this article, we will guide you on how to top up your Balance in just a few simple steps. In this article A. Balance threshold B. Top up your Balance manually C. Set up Auto Top-up D. Receive ShopBase Payments order profit (Few readersRequest a payout
This article will show you how to pay out your profits from ShopBase Balance. In this article A. Request a payout B. Important notes A. Request a payout From your store admin, click on your profile at the bottom left of the page and select Balance to visit your Balance dashboard. 2. To submit a payout request to your ShopBase Balance accPopularHow to keep track on PrintBase orders collecting in Balance?
On PrintBase, with each order paid successfully, its profit would be immediately transferred into Balance, your store’s credit account. Each variation of order A, such as cancel or refund, would be put into its order invoice in Balance History. Here is the guideline to show you how to export the Balance transaction invoice and fully comprehend it. In this article A. Export Balance invoice B. Understand CSV file of PrintBase Balance invoice (3-b-understaFew readersUnderstand ShopBase Balance invoice
ShopBase Balance is your credit account shared by all of your stores. Profits from business activities on ShopBase, such as PrintBase orders, ShopBase Payments orders, cashback from promotion/referral programs, etc., are deposited into this account. This account is also used to pay for ShopBase service fees: monthly subscription fees, transaction fees, text message fees, etc. There are various types of invoices in your Balance to help you keep track of your business's costs and revenue. In thisFew readersWhat is PrintBase's Balance?
Balance is your credit account, which can be used to pay for PrintBase package as well as orders that go through PrintBase. You can view your Balance details by clicking on the bottom left corner of your admin dashboard and choose Balance. Here you can view all Balance's settings. To start setting up your Balance, plFew readersWhat is PlusBase's Balance?
Balance is your credit account, which can be used to pay for PlusBase package as well as orders that go through PlusBase. You can view your Balance details by clicking on the bottom left corner of your admin dashboard and choose Balance. Here you can view all Balance's settings. To start setting up your Balance, pleaFew readersWhat happens when your Balance goes below the default threshold
ShopBase Balance is a credit account to receive profits of PrintBase or PlusBase's orders and settle ShopBase's payment fees and services. Therefore, if your Balance goes below the default threshold, ShopBase services can be interrupted. In this article A. Negative balance collection rule B. How to reopen a suspended account A. Negative balance collection rule If the Total Balance is below theFew readersCheck the status of your payout request
After collecting order profits, you can request that this amount be paid out and keep track of all your payouts on your ShopBase admin. In case your payout is refused, you can view the reason on your Balance dashboard. In this article, we will show you how to check the status of your payout request and provide further information on why your payout request was refused. In this article A. Check the status of your payout request B. ReasonsFew readersWhy Is My Order Being Held From Payout?
In the world of e-commerce, it's not uncommon for orders to encounter temporary holds, which serve to mitigate risk or address specific fees. These holds often raise questions and concerns for merchants. This article aims to provide clarity regarding the causes of these holds, their impacts for your store's balance. In this article A. What is an order with funds held? B. Why are order funds being held?Few readers