Articles on: Orders
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Overview of how to fulfill orders

After receiving orders from the customer, the next step is to process them. It requires contacting the supplier (or self-manufacturer) to package the product and send it to the address where the customer is registered. In addition to manual order processing, ShopBase provides you with many other tools such as fulfilling orders with a CSV file, handling print orders (POD) via PrintHub, handling dropshipping orders with Ali Dropship Connector app to save your time when processing multiple orders at once. This section will introduce you to different order processing methods and give you practical guidance on how to process your store orders.

In this section

Export your orders in CSV format
Insert product image in CSV file for fulfillment
Import orders to ShopBase via CSV file
Understand the processing of orders
Process order automatically
Fulfill a dropshipping order
Fulfill order manually
Fulfill orders by CSV files
Fulfill order via PrintHub
Fulfill order via Ali Dropship Connector
Fulfill orders manually on Ali Dropship Connector

Overview of Orders
Overview of PrintHub
Overview of Ali Dropship Connector

Updated on: 30/07/2024

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