Set up shipping fee for PlusBase products
Setting up shipping fee for products in your store is an important part of getting your business up and running. As of August 29, 2022, PlusBase is expanding our shipping methods to help you quickly update shipping fees for products in your store and maximize your store profit. Shipping fee can now be set up separately and you can apply multiple shipping rates to a great range of shipping lines PlusBase is offering.
A. Frequently asked questions
B. Set up shipping fees for multiple shipping lines
When requesting products through PlusBase, we will now offer a variety of shipping lines for each product you request. We provide low-cost shipping lines to help sellers maximize their profits, as well as higher-cost shipping lines to provide buyers with a wider selection of shipping options when purchasing a product. Nevertheless, it is strongly advised that you set up a custom shipping fee in order to maximize sales.
The new shipping setup will not affect any existing products that have only 1 Standard shipping line in your store. Products added to your store prior to the update will remain the same.
However, if you want to enable multiple shipping lines for your existing product, please set up a custom shipping fee for each line we offer to ensure your profit and conversion rate. In addition, several common shipping zones have already been set up on your store. Market research has been conducted in order for us to determine the best shipping fee for each zone we set up in your store. These shipping zones will be disabled by default, and you will be able to freely configure them to suit your business needs before enabling them on your store.
Please refer to section B to learn how to set up shipping fees for multiple shipping lines.
When you receive a notification of a shipping fee and/or base cost update displayed on the product detail page or sent through email, you must review these changes in the quotation detail page or the product detail page in order to adjust your selling prices without compromising the order profit.
From your PlusBase admin, you can access the shipping settings in 3 ways:
Go to Settings > Shipping. Here, you can view all shipping zones and rates that have been set up for your store.

Go to Catalog > Import list and click on Shipping settings.

Go to Products > All products and click on the product your want to update. Here, you can view all shipping rates of the selected product.

In Shipping, click on Update shipping fee.

Some default shipping zones recommended by PlusBase will be pre-configured on the Shipping page. You only need to review the shipping rates before enabling them on your store.

In Shipping zones, select Edit beside the shipping zone you want to edit or Add shipping zone to add a new one.

Click on the eye icon to enable or disable the selected shipping zone. If the shipping zone is enabled, the custom shipping rates that you set up for the zone will be applied to orders shipped to this zone. In contrast, if the shipping zone is disabled, PlusBase's default shipping rates will be applied.

In Zone name, enter a new zone name (if needed).

In Countries, click Add countries to add more countries to your shipping zone.

In the dialog, you can search for countries in the text box, and click on the check box to add countries. Once finished, click Add.

To delete a country from your shipping zone, click on the x button.

In Shipping method, you will find a list of available shipping lines on PlusBase. You can click to disable/enable a shipping line for your shipping zone as needed.

All shipping lines are enabled by default.
It is not possible to disable all shipping lines for a shipping zone. At least one shipping line must be active at all times.
If the shipping lines you enable are not available for a product, and this product has no other shipping lines, the PlusBase default shipping line will be displayed during checkout.
To add a custom shipping rate, click on Add rate. To edit an existing shipping rate, click on Edit beside it.

In the dialog, select one of PlusBase's existing Shipping methods. This will show up on the checkout page.

In Filter, click Add condition (optional) to filter out products if you want to add item based rate for specific products.

You can select to filter out products using Product Type, Product Tag, Collection, Variant Price.

If there are no filters, all products in your store will be applied to this rate.
In Exclusion, click Add condition (optional) to exclude certain products from the shipping zone.

You can select to exclude products using Product Type, Product Tag, Collection, Variant Price.

In the Rate section, enter the price of the custom shipping rate for the First item and Each additional item.
First item: is the shipping fee applied when the customer checks out with only 1 item of this product.
Each additional item: is the shipping fee applied when the customer checks out with more than 1 item of this product. Each additional item is charged the additional item price.

Select the Free shipping rate checkbox if you want to offer your customers free shipping for this shipping rate.

Click Done once finished.
Click the x button beside a rate to delete it. If a custom shipping rate is deleted, PlusBase's default shipping rate will be applied to orders that are shipped to this shipping zone.

When you have several rates on your store, you should set a rule about which rate should be applied to each order in Preferred rules. On PlusBase, there are 2 rules you can select:
Lowest returned rule: If a product is eligible for multiple shipping rates, the system will automatically select the lowest rate among shipping methods on the checkout page.
Highest returned rule: If a product is eligible for multiple shipping rates, the system will automatically select the highest rate among shipping methods on the checkout page.

Click Save once you have finished setting up your shipping zone.
Import product from PlusBase Catalog and AliExpress products
Manage your PlusBase products
In this article
A. Frequently asked questions
B. Set up shipping fees for multiple shipping lines
A. Frequently asked questions
1. What does it mean to have multiple shipping lines?
When requesting products through PlusBase, we will now offer a variety of shipping lines for each product you request. We provide low-cost shipping lines to help sellers maximize their profits, as well as higher-cost shipping lines to provide buyers with a wider selection of shipping options when purchasing a product. Nevertheless, it is strongly advised that you set up a custom shipping fee in order to maximize sales.
2. Will the new shipping setup update affect the existing products in my store?
The new shipping setup will not affect any existing products that have only 1 Standard shipping line in your store. Products added to your store prior to the update will remain the same.
However, if you want to enable multiple shipping lines for your existing product, please set up a custom shipping fee for each line we offer to ensure your profit and conversion rate. In addition, several common shipping zones have already been set up on your store. Market research has been conducted in order for us to determine the best shipping fee for each zone we set up in your store. These shipping zones will be disabled by default, and you will be able to freely configure them to suit your business needs before enabling them on your store.
3. How do I set up shipping fees for multiple shipping lines?
Please refer to section B to learn how to set up shipping fees for multiple shipping lines.
4. What should I do if I receive a PlusBase notification of a shipping fee and/or base cost update?
When you receive a notification of a shipping fee and/or base cost update displayed on the product detail page or sent through email, you must review these changes in the quotation detail page or the product detail page in order to adjust your selling prices without compromising the order profit.
B. Set up shipping fees for multiple shipping lines
From your PlusBase admin, you can access the shipping settings in 3 ways:
Go to Settings > Shipping. Here, you can view all shipping zones and rates that have been set up for your store.

Go to Catalog > Import list and click on Shipping settings.

Go to Products > All products and click on the product your want to update. Here, you can view all shipping rates of the selected product.

In Shipping, click on Update shipping fee.

Some default shipping zones recommended by PlusBase will be pre-configured on the Shipping page. You only need to review the shipping rates before enabling them on your store.

In Shipping zones, select Edit beside the shipping zone you want to edit or Add shipping zone to add a new one.

Click on the eye icon to enable or disable the selected shipping zone. If the shipping zone is enabled, the custom shipping rates that you set up for the zone will be applied to orders shipped to this zone. In contrast, if the shipping zone is disabled, PlusBase's default shipping rates will be applied.

In Zone name, enter a new zone name (if needed).

In Countries, click Add countries to add more countries to your shipping zone.

In the dialog, you can search for countries in the text box, and click on the check box to add countries. Once finished, click Add.

To delete a country from your shipping zone, click on the x button.

In Shipping method, you will find a list of available shipping lines on PlusBase. You can click to disable/enable a shipping line for your shipping zone as needed.

All shipping lines are enabled by default.
It is not possible to disable all shipping lines for a shipping zone. At least one shipping line must be active at all times.
If the shipping lines you enable are not available for a product, and this product has no other shipping lines, the PlusBase default shipping line will be displayed during checkout.
To add a custom shipping rate, click on Add rate. To edit an existing shipping rate, click on Edit beside it.

In the dialog, select one of PlusBase's existing Shipping methods. This will show up on the checkout page.

In Filter, click Add condition (optional) to filter out products if you want to add item based rate for specific products.

You can select to filter out products using Product Type, Product Tag, Collection, Variant Price.

If there are no filters, all products in your store will be applied to this rate.
In Exclusion, click Add condition (optional) to exclude certain products from the shipping zone.

You can select to exclude products using Product Type, Product Tag, Collection, Variant Price.

In the Rate section, enter the price of the custom shipping rate for the First item and Each additional item.
First item: is the shipping fee applied when the customer checks out with only 1 item of this product.
Each additional item: is the shipping fee applied when the customer checks out with more than 1 item of this product. Each additional item is charged the additional item price.

Select the Free shipping rate checkbox if you want to offer your customers free shipping for this shipping rate.

Click Done once finished.
Click the x button beside a rate to delete it. If a custom shipping rate is deleted, PlusBase's default shipping rate will be applied to orders that are shipped to this shipping zone.

When you have several rates on your store, you should set a rule about which rate should be applied to each order in Preferred rules. On PlusBase, there are 2 rules you can select:
Lowest returned rule: If a product is eligible for multiple shipping rates, the system will automatically select the lowest rate among shipping methods on the checkout page.
Highest returned rule: If a product is eligible for multiple shipping rates, the system will automatically select the highest rate among shipping methods on the checkout page.

Click Save once you have finished setting up your shipping zone.
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Manage your PlusBase products
Updated on: 13/06/2023
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