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Create an automated collection

Creating an automatic collection means creating and setting the criteria for the system to automatically sort the products in the store into the collection. This will save you a lot of time and effort, especially when your collection has too many items. You can also refer to this article on how to create a manual collection in case you want specific control over the products that are included in the collection. In this article, we will show you how to create automatic collections.

Step by step Tutorial

From your ShopBase admin, go to Products > Collections and click Create collection.

You will be directed to Create collection page.

In which:

Title: Enter a name of the collection.
Description: Write the collection description.
Collection visibility: Tick Show on Collection List page if you want to display this collection in the collection list.
Collection image: You can upload two different images to maintain appealing collection visuals in various contexts by clicking the Upload button or dragging the photo from your device and dropping it into the Drop an image to upload box. Thumbnail image is a smaller picture serving as a visual summary for quick identification within a collection and symbolizing the collection on a list page. Cover image is a prominent image designed to represent and visually define the entire collection. To display a cover image, insert an image block in Website Builder and choose the cover image from the data source. You can take a look at this article to set up blocks on Website Builder.
Add collection to navigation: Click the menu you want to display the collection in. Choose Select menu to pick the menu from the drop-down list. Click Edit navigation to move on to menu edit page.
Product thumbnail: Set up which product image will be shown as its thumbnail on the collection page. Please refer to this article for more information on how to set up.
Search engine listing preview: Edit collections displayed on search bar by clicking on Edit website SEO. Edit the collection title displayed on search engines in the Page title field (up to 70 characters), edit the collection description displayed on search engines in the Meta description field (up to 320 characters), edit the link of the collection in the URL and handle field

Collection type: Select Automated. Choose All conditions to add products that match ALL criteria, or Any condition to add products that match at least ONE criterion. You can add new conditions by pressing Add another condition.

Click the first drop-down menu to select the product information field for setting conditions. Options include: Product title, Product type, Product vendor, Product price, Product tag, Compare at price, Weight, Inventory stock, Variant title. Next, click the second drop-down menu to choose the comparison type for the conditions. Options include: is equal to, is not equal to, is greater than, is less than, starts with, ends with, contains, doesn't contain, contains word.

Please note the distinction between contains and contains word:
Contains: Matches products with the specified sequence of characters anywhere in the field.
Contains word: Matches products with the specified word as a standalone word.
Example: Consider two products titled "Lady Shirt" and "Sweatshirt". If the condition is "contains shirt ", both "Lady Shirt" and "Sweatshirt" will be added to the collection. If the condition is "contains word shirt ", only "Lady Shirt" will be added to the collection.

After creating an automated collection, you can't change its type from automatic to a manual one.

Click Save to create your collection.

Then, the Products section will display all products in your newly created collection. You can sort the display order of the products in the collection by clicking Product title A-Z, and select the order in which the products in the collection will appear: Product title A-Z, Product title Z-A, Highest price, Lowest price, Newest, Oldest, Manual.

Click Save once finished.

There is no limit to adding products to a collection; however, for smooth store operation, a maximum of 10,000 products can be displayed in the storefront collection.

To ensure that a product appear on the Collection page, please select the Product availability on Online shop listing pages option on the Product detail page.

Overview of Collection
Create a manual collection
Edit a collection
Remove products from manually created collections
Delete a collection

Updated on: 17/06/2024

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