Understand analytic metrics
This article explains the metrics in ShopBase's Analytics reports, so you can understand your store's performance so you can come up with new business plans to improve sales.
A. Understand total sales
B. Understand store conversion rates (CR)
C. Understand total orders
D. Understand average order value (AOV)
E. Understand average order items (AOI)
F. Understand abandoned checkouts recovery
G. Understand customer analytics
H. Understand top countries by order
I. Understand total profits in PrintBase
Total sales are the total profits (including shipping fee and taxes) from successful payments of your store, in which:
Online store: Profits from all your successful orders
Total sales via Boost Upsell: Profits from suggested products and converted to successful orders by Boost Upsell
Refunded or partially refunded sales amounts will be deducted on the date of the refund.
The formula of this metrics: Total sales = Gross sales − Discounts − Returns + Shipping fee + Taxes.

Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your website that complete a desired goal (a conversion) out of the total number of visitors. A high conversion rate is indicative of successful marketing and web design: It means people are interested in what you're offering and pay for it!
The formula of this metrics: Conversion rate = (Sessions converted/Sessions) x 100%.
In Online store conversion rate chart:
Online store: Conversion rate of customers buying products on your store
Boost Upsell conversion rate: Conversion rate of customers buying suggested products by Boost Upsell
The column graph in Conversion funnel shows the percentage of visitors taking actions on the page from viewing product, collection, or any other page, adding products to cart, reaching checkout, to purchasing. For high conversion rate, sellers must improve the rate of each mentioned phase, thereby improving the rate of purchase - the most important action in store. In order to carry this out effectively, you need to consider user experience at each phase. Keep in mind what they want and how you can offer them.

Based on your marketing strategy, you can view the conversion rates calculated by:
View product: Number of sessions in which customers viewed products in your store.
View collection: Number of sessions in which customers viewed collections in your store.
View all: Number of sessions in which customers visited your store.
Data for View collection is only available from February 25, 2022.
Data for View all is only reliable from February 25, 2022. Before February 25, 2022, conversion rates calculated by View product and View all are the same.

Add to cart: Number and percentage of sessions in which customers added one or more items to their shopping carts. This amount is usually smaller than the total number of View product, View collection, View all because some customers view products, collections, or visit a store without adding any items to their carts.
Reach checkout: Number and percentage of sessions in which customers added one or more items to their shopping carts, proceeded to the checkout, and performed an action (for example, a key press or mouse click). This amount is usually smaller than the Add to cart because customers may add items to their cart but do not go to the checkout page or do not submit their contact information.
Purchase: Number and percentage of sessions in which customers added one or more items to their shopping carts, proceeded to the checkout, and then purchased the items. This amount is usually smaller than the Reach checkout amount because some customers leave checkout without purchasing anything.
A session is a group of user interactions with your website that take place within a given time frame. For example, a session can contain multiple actions of viewing products, adding products to cart, reaching checkout, and converting session.
A session will be calculated from the time users access the website. Each session will last for a day.
In case customers check out two orders in a day, system will count as two different sessions converted with the same number of view product, add to cart and checkout.
Test orders will be counted in View product, View collection, View all, Added to cart, and Reach checkout, but not Purchase.
Click Conversion Reports to view the detailed conversion analytic dashboard overtime. Please refer to this article for more information on the Conversion Analytic dashboard.

Total orders are the total number of orders your store has. This number includes refunded and canceled orders, but doesn't include deleted orders. Deleted orders will be subtracted from the date the order(s) were created.
Online store: Total orders that customers buy on your store
Total orders via Boost Upsell: Total orders of customers who buy extra products via suggestions of Boost Upsell.

Average order value (AOV) tracks the average amount each time a customer places an order on a website or mobile app. If each customer spends more on an order, the total store profits will increase. This explains why AOV is a significant value that businesses need to analyze and improve.
The formula of this metrics: Average Order Value = [Total Sales including Refunded + Canceled] / [Total Orders].
In AOV analysis report:
Online store: AOV rate is only applied to orders customers make on your store.
AOV via Boost Upsell: AOV rate of product orders that Boost Upsell suggests customers to buy.

Average order item (AOI) tracks the average product bought each time a customer places an order on a website or mobile app. If each customer buys more products, the total sales will increase. That's why AOI plays such an important role that businesses need to analyze and improve.
The formula of the metrics: Average order items = [Total order items, including both refunded + canceled orders] / [Total orders].
In the AOI analysis report:
Online store: AOI rate is only applied to orders that customers make on your store
AOI via Boost Upsell: AOI rate from orders that Boost Upsell recommends to customers

An abandoned checkout is a situation where a customer has added items to their cart, provides some contact information, but does not complete the checkout. ShopBase provides tools to send email/SMS for stores to encourage customers to finish their checkout process.
This will be compiled in Abandoned checkouts recovery.
% rate: The percentage of finished Abandoned checkout orders after sending email/SMS to remind about completing the orders vs. the total Abandoned checkout orders.
Order: The total Abandoned checkout orders that customers complete after sellers have sent email/SMS to remind about checkout completion.
Revenue: Total revenues of Abandoned checkout orders that customers complete after sellers send email/SMS to remind about checkout completion.
Email/SMS/Other conversion funnel: The graph shows the percentage of orders that customers take action from Sent (the number of orders receiving email/SMS/other reminding checkout completion); Clicked (the number of orders that customers click on the links in email/SMS/other reminding checkout completion); Order completed (the number of orders customers who complete checkout after clicking on the links in emails/SMS/other reminding about checkout completion). You can see the effectiveness of each email, SMS, or other channel or both by clicking on the All drop-down menu in this section.
Under some circumstances, the total number of completed orders in Order category is higher than the number of orders in Order completed category. This is because after receiving email/SMS/other reminding about checkout completion, customers can visit the website and finish their orders in different ways. For instance, direct access or access via clicking on the link in email/SMS/other reminders. They are all counted in the Order completed category. Other indirect methods (re-entering the homepage and then going to the checkout page) will not be counted.

First Time vs Returning customer shows the number of orders and the value of orders (total sales) placed by first-time and returning customers.
A first-time customer is a customer who placed the very first order with your store.
A returning customer is a customer who had placed an order, and their order history already included at least one order.
You can select to see the number of orders placed by each group of customers or the value of orders (total sales) placed by each group of customers in this section.

Returning customer rate shows the ratio of returning customers. You can also view the exact number of first-time and returning customers from your store. This can help you determine the strength of your existing customer base.
The formula of the metrics: Returning customer rate = Returning customers / Total number of customers.
For example, if you have 2000 customers who completed their purchase today and 500 of them were returning customers, your Returning customer rate is 25%.

Top countries by order shows the number of orders on your online store sorted by country.

Click View Report to view the details of conversion rates and orders listed by country.

The formula of the metrics: Profit = [Revenue - Total basecost - Payment fee of order] x 96%. You can read more about how your PrintBase order profit is calculated in this article.
Online store: Profits from all your successful orders
Total sales via Boost Upsell: Profits from suggested products and converted to successful orders by Boost Upsell
Refunded or partially refunded sales amounts will be deducted on the date of the refund.

At the moment, only such data from September 01, 2021, to the present is reliable. Data prior to September 01, 2021, is still in the progress of migration.
Overview of Analytics dashboard
Open Analytics dashboard
Open Sales report
In this article
A. Understand total sales
B. Understand store conversion rates (CR)
C. Understand total orders
D. Understand average order value (AOV)
E. Understand average order items (AOI)
F. Understand abandoned checkouts recovery
G. Understand customer analytics
H. Understand top countries by order
I. Understand total profits in PrintBase
A. Understand total sales
Total sales are the total profits (including shipping fee and taxes) from successful payments of your store, in which:
Online store: Profits from all your successful orders
Total sales via Boost Upsell: Profits from suggested products and converted to successful orders by Boost Upsell
Refunded or partially refunded sales amounts will be deducted on the date of the refund.
The formula of this metrics: Total sales = Gross sales − Discounts − Returns + Shipping fee + Taxes.

B. Understand store conversion rates (CR)
Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your website that complete a desired goal (a conversion) out of the total number of visitors. A high conversion rate is indicative of successful marketing and web design: It means people are interested in what you're offering and pay for it!
The formula of this metrics: Conversion rate = (Sessions converted/Sessions) x 100%.
In Online store conversion rate chart:
Online store: Conversion rate of customers buying products on your store
Boost Upsell conversion rate: Conversion rate of customers buying suggested products by Boost Upsell
The column graph in Conversion funnel shows the percentage of visitors taking actions on the page from viewing product, collection, or any other page, adding products to cart, reaching checkout, to purchasing. For high conversion rate, sellers must improve the rate of each mentioned phase, thereby improving the rate of purchase - the most important action in store. In order to carry this out effectively, you need to consider user experience at each phase. Keep in mind what they want and how you can offer them.

Based on your marketing strategy, you can view the conversion rates calculated by:
View product: Number of sessions in which customers viewed products in your store.
View collection: Number of sessions in which customers viewed collections in your store.
View all: Number of sessions in which customers visited your store.
Data for View collection is only available from February 25, 2022.
Data for View all is only reliable from February 25, 2022. Before February 25, 2022, conversion rates calculated by View product and View all are the same.

Add to cart: Number and percentage of sessions in which customers added one or more items to their shopping carts. This amount is usually smaller than the total number of View product, View collection, View all because some customers view products, collections, or visit a store without adding any items to their carts.
Reach checkout: Number and percentage of sessions in which customers added one or more items to their shopping carts, proceeded to the checkout, and performed an action (for example, a key press or mouse click). This amount is usually smaller than the Add to cart because customers may add items to their cart but do not go to the checkout page or do not submit their contact information.
Purchase: Number and percentage of sessions in which customers added one or more items to their shopping carts, proceeded to the checkout, and then purchased the items. This amount is usually smaller than the Reach checkout amount because some customers leave checkout without purchasing anything.
A session is a group of user interactions with your website that take place within a given time frame. For example, a session can contain multiple actions of viewing products, adding products to cart, reaching checkout, and converting session.
A session will be calculated from the time users access the website. Each session will last for a day.
In case customers check out two orders in a day, system will count as two different sessions converted with the same number of view product, add to cart and checkout.
Test orders will be counted in View product, View collection, View all, Added to cart, and Reach checkout, but not Purchase.
Click Conversion Reports to view the detailed conversion analytic dashboard overtime. Please refer to this article for more information on the Conversion Analytic dashboard.

C. Understand total orders
Total orders are the total number of orders your store has. This number includes refunded and canceled orders, but doesn't include deleted orders. Deleted orders will be subtracted from the date the order(s) were created.
Online store: Total orders that customers buy on your store
Total orders via Boost Upsell: Total orders of customers who buy extra products via suggestions of Boost Upsell.

D. Understand average order value (AOV)
Average order value (AOV) tracks the average amount each time a customer places an order on a website or mobile app. If each customer spends more on an order, the total store profits will increase. This explains why AOV is a significant value that businesses need to analyze and improve.
The formula of this metrics: Average Order Value = [Total Sales including Refunded + Canceled] / [Total Orders].
In AOV analysis report:
Online store: AOV rate is only applied to orders customers make on your store.
AOV via Boost Upsell: AOV rate of product orders that Boost Upsell suggests customers to buy.

E. Understand average order items (AOI)
Average order item (AOI) tracks the average product bought each time a customer places an order on a website or mobile app. If each customer buys more products, the total sales will increase. That's why AOI plays such an important role that businesses need to analyze and improve.
The formula of the metrics: Average order items = [Total order items, including both refunded + canceled orders] / [Total orders].
In the AOI analysis report:
Online store: AOI rate is only applied to orders that customers make on your store
AOI via Boost Upsell: AOI rate from orders that Boost Upsell recommends to customers

F. Understand abandoned checkouts recovery
An abandoned checkout is a situation where a customer has added items to their cart, provides some contact information, but does not complete the checkout. ShopBase provides tools to send email/SMS for stores to encourage customers to finish their checkout process.
This will be compiled in Abandoned checkouts recovery.
% rate: The percentage of finished Abandoned checkout orders after sending email/SMS to remind about completing the orders vs. the total Abandoned checkout orders.
Order: The total Abandoned checkout orders that customers complete after sellers have sent email/SMS to remind about checkout completion.
Revenue: Total revenues of Abandoned checkout orders that customers complete after sellers send email/SMS to remind about checkout completion.
Email/SMS/Other conversion funnel: The graph shows the percentage of orders that customers take action from Sent (the number of orders receiving email/SMS/other reminding checkout completion); Clicked (the number of orders that customers click on the links in email/SMS/other reminding checkout completion); Order completed (the number of orders customers who complete checkout after clicking on the links in emails/SMS/other reminding about checkout completion). You can see the effectiveness of each email, SMS, or other channel or both by clicking on the All drop-down menu in this section.
Under some circumstances, the total number of completed orders in Order category is higher than the number of orders in Order completed category. This is because after receiving email/SMS/other reminding about checkout completion, customers can visit the website and finish their orders in different ways. For instance, direct access or access via clicking on the link in email/SMS/other reminders. They are all counted in the Order completed category. Other indirect methods (re-entering the homepage and then going to the checkout page) will not be counted.

G. Understand customer analytics
First Time vs Returning customer shows the number of orders and the value of orders (total sales) placed by first-time and returning customers.
A first-time customer is a customer who placed the very first order with your store.
A returning customer is a customer who had placed an order, and their order history already included at least one order.
You can select to see the number of orders placed by each group of customers or the value of orders (total sales) placed by each group of customers in this section.

Returning customer rate shows the ratio of returning customers. You can also view the exact number of first-time and returning customers from your store. This can help you determine the strength of your existing customer base.
The formula of the metrics: Returning customer rate = Returning customers / Total number of customers.
For example, if you have 2000 customers who completed their purchase today and 500 of them were returning customers, your Returning customer rate is 25%.

H. Understand top countries by order
Top countries by order shows the number of orders on your online store sorted by country.

Click View Report to view the details of conversion rates and orders listed by country.

I. Understand total profits in PrintBase
The formula of the metrics: Profit = [Revenue - Total basecost - Payment fee of order] x 96%. You can read more about how your PrintBase order profit is calculated in this article.
Online store: Profits from all your successful orders
Total sales via Boost Upsell: Profits from suggested products and converted to successful orders by Boost Upsell
Refunded or partially refunded sales amounts will be deducted on the date of the refund.

At the moment, only such data from September 01, 2021, to the present is reliable. Data prior to September 01, 2021, is still in the progress of migration.
Related articles
Overview of Analytics dashboard
Open Analytics dashboard
Open Sales report
Updated on: 03/11/2022
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