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Tips to optimize SEO for your ShopBase store

SEO optimization has the massive potential to boost your ShopBase store's sales and revenues. Aside from that, implementing an effective SEO strategy for your website helps it to grow in the long run and reach a wide range of audiences.

In this article

A. Remove duplicate content from your ShopBase store
B. Create a unique page title and write meta descriptions for your pages
C. Optimize your store images
D. Link your products page from the home page
E. Add your sitemap.xml to Google Search Console
F. Integrate Google Analytics
G. Build high-quality backlinks to your base store
H. Don’t inadvertently neglect to set up 301 redirects for old product pages
I. Install the product review app
J. Configure the blog feature in your ShopBase platform

A. Remove duplicate content from your ShopBase store

Duplicate content refers to text(s) that either completely match other content or are appreciably similar on or off your store. Google recommends some steps to resolve duplicate content issues and ensure that visitors see the content you want them to:

Be consistent: Try to keep your internal links consistent. For example, don't link to and and

Use top-level domains: To help us serve the most appropriate version of a document, use top-level domains whenever possible to handle country-specific content. We're more likely to know that contains Germany-focused content, for instance, instead of or

Minimize similar content: If you have many pages that are similar, consider expanding each page or consolidating the pages into one.

B. Create a unique page title and write meta descriptions for your pages

Page titles and meta descriptions are important elements for search engine rankings of any website. Search engines understand what the page is all about through the help of unique page metadata. Search results is higher if the search engines understand it better.

Follow the steps below to write meta title and description on ShopBase:

On your ShopBase admin site, go to Online Store > Preferences > Title and meta description.
Here, add Homepage title and Homepage description as you see fit.

C. Optimize your store images

Follow the steps below to add alt text to your ShopBase images

From your ShopBase admin site, click Products > All Products.
Search and select the product name that you want to edit.
On the product detail page, hover over a product image and click ALT.

Add or edit your alt text in the Image alt text box and click Save.

Your home page is the center and the most powerful page of your website that gives your visitors an overview of your whole website. You can create navigation links on your homepage to allow your customers to easily find what they are looking for thus higher chances of getting conversions.

E. Add your sitemap.xml to Google Search Console

Before you submit your sitemap to Google Search Console, you must first verify your site. You can get the link to your sitemap by adding /sitemap.xml after your store's primary domain e.g or

Please refer to this article on how to find and submit your sitemap.

F. Integrate Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand. You need to have a Google account, sign up for analytics tracking, and choose what data you want to track to start gathering data about purchase activity on your site or app. You can see product and transaction information, average order value, eCommerce conversion rate, time to purchase, and other data.

Click here to for an instruction on how to integrate Google Analytics to your ShopBase store

A backlink is a link created when one website links to another, it represents a "vote of confidence". Backlinks are also called "inbound links" or "incoming links." Backlinks are important to SEO as they serve as signals to search engines that others vouch for your content.

H. Don’t inadvertently neglect to set up 301 redirects for old product pages

If you've restructured your site, the best way to ensure that users, search engines, Google bot, and other spiders are directed to the correct page is by using 301 redirects ("RedirectPermanent") in your .htaccess file. The 301 status code means that a page has permanently moved to a new location.

Please refer to this article on how to set up URL redirect on ShopBase.

I. Enable the Product Reviews App

Product Reviews is a free built on ShopBase app. Adding product reviews builds trusts and increases the chances of conversion while contributing to your Google search listings.

Please refer to this article for an overview of Product Reviews app and how to use it.

J. Configure the blog feature on your ShopBase store.

From your ShopBase admin site, go to Online Store > Navigation.

Click the name of the Menu where you want to add the link to your blog.
Click Add menu item, or choose an existing menu item to edit.
Enter the link name, for example Blog, into the Name field.
Paste the link to your blog in the Link field.

Click Save menu.

Overview of how to drive free traffic to your store
Basic SEO tutorials
Leverage social media channels
Leverage your online business with social forums/ communities
Email marketing

Updated on: 15/07/2024

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