Understand fraud analysis indicators
ShopBase built-in tool - Fraud analysis - will help evaluate the safety of orders to protect business owners from any sign of fraudulent. In this article, we will introduce you to fraud analysis indicators so you can utilize this feature for your online store.
A. View the fraud analysis for an order
B. Understand fraud analysis indicators
From ShopBase admin site, go to Orders and select an order you want to assess. If an order has a high risk of fraud based on our fraud analysis system, it will be flagged as in the image below.
The Fraud analysis of the order will be displayed on the right column.
Click on View full analysis. A pop-up will appear for you to see a full fraud analysis of the order.
In the Fraud analysis popup, you can see details regarding the customers' IP address, billing and shipping addresses, customers' card CVV number, etc. in Indicators section, along with other detailed information in Additional Information.
Analysis in Indicators using different colors to grade order safety:
Green: shows information that is usually seen on legitimate orders.
Red: shows information that is usually seen on fraudulent orders.
Grey: gives you additional information about the order that could be useful.
Using all elements, you can have your own evaluation on how likely it is that an order is fraudulent.
These indicators can help you assess an order. They cannot, however, conclusively determine if an order is fraudulent or not.
You can enable manual order payment capture if you don't want payments showing signs of fraud to be automatically captured.
IPQualityScore, a fraud prevention tool, is used by ShopBase to assist in IP location detection. Please keep in mind that IP location detection is only relative because the results of the IP location detection tool may vary.
Prevent fraud on ShopBase
Overview of Orders
View an order
Contact a customer about an order
Cancel an order
Refund an order
Capture payments for your ShopBase orders
In this article
A. View the fraud analysis for an order
B. Understand fraud analysis indicators
A. View the fraud analysis for an order
From ShopBase admin site, go to Orders and select an order you want to assess. If an order has a high risk of fraud based on our fraud analysis system, it will be flagged as in the image below.

The Fraud analysis of the order will be displayed on the right column.

Click on View full analysis. A pop-up will appear for you to see a full fraud analysis of the order.

B. Understand fraud analysis indicators
In the Fraud analysis popup, you can see details regarding the customers' IP address, billing and shipping addresses, customers' card CVV number, etc. in Indicators section, along with other detailed information in Additional Information.
Analysis in Indicators using different colors to grade order safety:
Green: shows information that is usually seen on legitimate orders.
Red: shows information that is usually seen on fraudulent orders.
Grey: gives you additional information about the order that could be useful.
Using all elements, you can have your own evaluation on how likely it is that an order is fraudulent.
These indicators can help you assess an order. They cannot, however, conclusively determine if an order is fraudulent or not.
You can enable manual order payment capture if you don't want payments showing signs of fraud to be automatically captured.
IPQualityScore, a fraud prevention tool, is used by ShopBase to assist in IP location detection. Please keep in mind that IP location detection is only relative because the results of the IP location detection tool may vary.
Related Articles
Prevent fraud on ShopBase
Overview of Orders
View an order
Contact a customer about an order
Cancel an order
Refund an order
Capture payments for your ShopBase orders
Updated on: 21/10/2022
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