Refund an order
You might need to refund an order and send money back to your customers due to different reasons, such as the order is unable to process, or the delivered products are defective, etc. Depending on your store's policy, you can refund an entire order and or part of the order value. In this article, we will show you how you can handle a refund order on your ShopBase admin site.
From your ShopBase admin, go to Orders > All Orders.

Click on the order you want to cancel and refund. You will be directed to the order details page.
Click Refund item.

You will be directed to Refund items page.
Enter the number of the product corresponding to the product that you want to refund to the customer. The Summary and Refund Amount sections will automatically calculate the total refund for the customer.
Enter the shipping fee amount for refund in the Refund shipping section if you want to refund the shipping fee to the customer.
Choose Restock items if you want to return the item quantity to the inventory.
Select Send notification to the customer if you want to send customer cancellation and refund notices.
Fill the reasons in Reason for refund.

In Summary, click Refund (Amount) to finish.
It is advisable that a refund should be made directly on your ShopBase admin site instead of the third-party payment gateways (such as Stripe, PayPal, etc.), as errors on these gateways may occur during progression, and you need to contact their support team if one arises.
View an order
View an order’s Timeline
Add tags or notes, or edit an order
Contact a customer about an order
View the order status page of an order
Archive a fulfillment order
Cancel an order
Step by Step Tutorial
From your ShopBase admin, go to Orders > All Orders.

Click on the order you want to cancel and refund. You will be directed to the order details page.
Click Refund item.

You will be directed to Refund items page.
Enter the number of the product corresponding to the product that you want to refund to the customer. The Summary and Refund Amount sections will automatically calculate the total refund for the customer.
Enter the shipping fee amount for refund in the Refund shipping section if you want to refund the shipping fee to the customer.
Choose Restock items if you want to return the item quantity to the inventory.
Select Send notification to the customer if you want to send customer cancellation and refund notices.
Fill the reasons in Reason for refund.

In Summary, click Refund (Amount) to finish.
It is advisable that a refund should be made directly on your ShopBase admin site instead of the third-party payment gateways (such as Stripe, PayPal, etc.), as errors on these gateways may occur during progression, and you need to contact their support team if one arises.
Related Articles
View an order
View an order’s Timeline
Add tags or notes, or edit an order
Contact a customer about an order
View the order status page of an order
Archive a fulfillment order
Cancel an order
Updated on: 20/12/2022
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