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Rotate your payment methods

The rotation of payment methods is a strategic way to disperse your transaction volume across multiple accounts, minimizing the risk of reaching volume limits or experiencing issues with your payment gateway. By employing payment rotation, you can set rules to alternate between multiple Stripe and PayPal accounts based on specified volume thresholds. This guarantees a balanced distribution of transactions, prevents any single payment account from being overloaded, and optimizes the management of transactions

Cancellation and refund requests will be sent to the correct payment methods. With PayPal, tracking numbers will be automatically updated to the methods that received the order's payment. Please refer to this article about how to send tracking to PayPal automatically.

In this article, we will give you an overview of payment method rotation and guide you through the steps to set it up.

In this article

A. Enable payment rotation
B. Configure thresholds
C. Manage payment rotation
D. Frequently asked questions

A. Enable payment rotation

Before you start, please connect the preferred payment methods to your store.

You need to fill in a name for the payment account when activating a new one. This name will be shown on order detail page and on CSV file when you export orders to indicate which account received the payment.

Payment method name on Order detail page

To enable payment rotation on your store, please follow the steps below:

From your ShopBase admin, go to Settings > Payment providers.

In Payment rotation, toggle the switch to enable payment rotation. This setting helps to balance incoming payments across your accounts.

B. Configure thresholds

Click on Configure Threshold.

Enable Stripe/PayPal threshold configuration by toggling the corresponding switch.

You will see a list of your Stripe/PayPal accounts. To begin setup, click on the gear icon ⚙️ associated with each one. For each account, select the configuration type:

Default: An account set as Default operate without threshold limit.

Custom: This allows you to set particular parameters for each account. You can add multiple periods for each account and configure them as desired.

Recurrence: The number of repetitions for the rotation rule - options include: Does not repeat (runs only once); Ends after a specific number of occurrences (expires at the determined time); or Never ends (continuously runs).
Total days: The duration in days for each recurrence cycle.
Target Volume (USD): The total transaction volume for each recurrence cycle, defined in terms of US Dollars.
Daily Max Volume (USD): The maximum transaction volume acceptable per day, defined in terms of US Dollars.
Occurrence Growth Rate (%): The percentage increase in target volume for each following recurrence cycle.

Press Save button to apply al configurations.

The system requires an account to be set as Default. If other accounts reach their limit, transactions will switch to the default account to avoid interruptions in store operations.

It's important to note that payments will be switched per checkout session, including successful, unsuccessful, and abandoned checkout sessions. This means that each new checkout session will start with the next payment account in the rotation, regardless of whether the previous session was successful or not.

C. Manage payment rotation

View rotation summary

Navigate to the configuration dashboard in the Payment Rotation section. Here, you can see the status, current period, which day you are in the current period, as well as a summary of the current transaction volume and maximum volume for each of your accounts.

Edit rotation rules

You can edit the rotation rules by clicking gear icon ⚙️ associated with each account. Modify the parameters as per your requirements. Once completed, click on Save to apply the new rotation settings. New settings will overwrite the old ones.

Download threshold history

Click on Download to save a report of the transaction history to your device.

Disable payment rotation

If you wish to discontinue the rotation, navigate to the Payment Providers section and switch the Payment Rotation to Off .

D. Frequently asked questions

What happens when a payment account is disabled?

When one payment account is disabled on your store, new visitors on the checkout page will find other conditionally rotated payment methods. In case the payment account is disabled right when a visitor is checking out, they will see a warning as follows to refresh their page and be directed to another available account.

To delete the disabled account from your account list, please go to your ShopBase admin site > Settings > Payment providers > Click on the Settings icon next to the account you want to remove > Delete.

Click 'Settings' next to the account you want to remove
Then, click 'Delete'
What happens if I disable payment rotation?

If you disable payment rotation, you cannot activate multiple accounts of the same payment method.
If you have multiple payment accounts of the same payment method activated and then disable payment rotation, only the most recently activated payment account will remain active.

Overview of Payment

Updated on: 04/06/2024

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