Articles on: Online store
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Edit a page

In addition to pages like homepage, product page, shopping cart page, checkout page, collection page, ShopBase gives you the tools to let you edit pages with other customized content for informing customers when they visit the store, such as About Us, Contact Us or Order Tracking. This article will show you how to edit one or more pages on your online store.

In this article

A. Edit a page
B. Edit multiple pages

A. Edit a page

From your ShopBase admin, go to Online Store > Pages and click on the page title you want to edit

You will be directed to page edit site where you can make changes to the content or settings of your page. Please refer to this article to know about each field in the page edit page

Click Save once finished.

B. Edit multiple pages

On ShopBase, you can publish or unpublish multiple articles at the same time.

From your ShopBase admin, go to Online Store > Pages.

Tick the pages you want to publish/unpublish on your store. Click Action > Publish selected pages or Action > Unpublish selected pages to make changes to their availability on your store.

Overview of Pages
Add a new webpage to your online store
Delete a page

Updated on: 23/08/2022

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