Encourage more reviews from your customers - New UI

Reviews allow sellers to manage all customer reviews of products in the store and build brand trust for store visitors. In particular, this app allows you to set up automatic notification sending to remind customers to review products on ShopBase stores.

In this article

A. Set up email to request reviews
B. Set up email to remind customers to review
C. Customize review request settings

A. Set up email to request reviews

An email to request a review will automatically be sent to the customer after their order is complete. In addition, you can customize your review request email based on ShopBase's template to get more customer reviews on all the products in your store.

From your ShopBase admin, go to Apps > Reviews > Settings > Review request.

In the Review request page, edit the title in Email subject and email content in Email body by Editor or HTML according to ShopBase's email template

You can preview the email to check how it looks by clicking on Preview.

Once finished, click Save.

B. Set up email to remind customers to review

Reminder to review the product will automatically be sent to your customers (unless you have received an App Reviews). Just like the email to request App Reviews, you can customize your reminder email based on ShopBase's email template.

From your ShopBase admin, go to Apps > Reviews > Settings > Review reminder.

In the Review reminder page, edit the title in Email subject and email content in Email body by Editor or HTML according to ShopBase's email template.

You can preview the email to check how it looks by clicking on Preview.

Once finished, click Save.

All reviews from emails requesting App Reviews and reminding customers to review products are linked to the All reviews page in the App Reviews app. This customer notification feature is only available to ShopBase stores.

C. Customize review request settings

After setting up the content of your review request settings, you can set up automatic notification sending to remind customers to review products on ShopBase stores.

From your ShopBase admin, go to Apps > Reviews > Settings.

To enable automatic review request email, toggle the switch in Review Requests. Then, you can customize the number of days after the product is purchased/fulfilled/delivered by entering a number in the text box and select among The product is purchased, The product is fulfilled, and The product is delivered in the dropdown menu.

If a customer buys more than one product in an order, you could send multiple emails to collect more reviews. Toggle the switch in Review Requests. Then, you can:

Select to request review for the product with Lowest price or Highest price.
Set up the number of interval days between each request.
Set up the maximum number of review requests per orders.

To enable automatic reminder email, toggle the switch in Reminder emails and enter in the text box the number of days to send this email after sending the email requests.

Click Save changes once finished.

Overview of Product reviews
Show product reviews on store
Manage reviews on Product Reviews app
Display reviews on All reviews page

Updated on: 19/05/2023

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