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Understand Social proofs in eCommerce

Social Proof is an act in marketing, simply understood as "crowd" effect. People tend to trust their predecessors, particularly those who have used and made reviews of certain products and services. If others are doing it, I also want to do that.

In the eCommerce industry, social proof is used in an attempt to influence the behavior of buyers, especially those who are unfamiliar with a brand, by displaying obvious clues (e.g. customer reviews) that others have purchased from a specific online store before. Almost 70% of online customers rely on recommendations from other people before making any kind of purchase. This is echoed by a case study from Reevoo which saw an increase in revenue by 18% when the social proof is applied by online stores.

Types of social proof:

Customer reviews
Social following/likes/shares
Case studies
Celebrity/Influencer endorsements
Expert advice
Credible certifications/accreditations
Purchase history

In this part, we will help you to understand more about social proofs in eCommerce as below.

In this section

A. Social Proof notifications that ShopBase offers
B. Sync orders with Social Proof

A. Social Proof notifications that ShopBase offers

Sales notification: Notice of actual customer purchases on the page. These notices can be displayed on any page of the store, depending on your settings.
Custom notification: Notice of orders you create (not based on actual data). These notices can be displayed on any page of the store, depending on your settings.
Checkout notification: Notice of orders for which the customer has completed the payment, displayed on the shopping cart page.

B. Sync orders with Social Proof

Social Proof feature of the Boost Convert app may need data of past orders on the store to display notifications to new customers. After installing Boost Convert, the orders data within 30 days will be synchronized with the app in 5-60 minutes. If your store has no sales yet, there will be no data to sync.

When there is a new order, the app automatically synchronizes and generates a notification for that order. However, the orders below may not be synchronized:

Deleted orders.
Archived orders. Please refer to this article to understand about archived orders
Orders with missing information such as email, city, and country.
Orders with payment made by phone number.
Orders placed over 60 days before installing Boost Convert.

Install Boost Convert for your ShopBase store
Overview of Boost Convert app

Updated on: 07/07/2023

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