Articles on: Product Review
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Set Up Review Rewards

Reviews are invaluable for e-commerce businesses, and rewarding your customers when they leave a review on your store is a great way to increase engagement. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up rewards for your customers when they share their product experiences.

Step-by-step Tutorial

Activate Reviews Rewards

In store admin dashboard, go to App > Installed Apps > Product Reviews.

Then navigate to Rewards, toggle on the REWARD CUSTOMERS WHEN THEY LEAVE A REVIEW feature.

Configure your discount

The discount can be set either as a % OFF (percentage off) or a specific Price off. Simply enter the required percentage or amount.

Reviewer conditions

You can set specific conditions for reviewers to see the discount. These conditions include:

Any reviewers: All reviewers can see the discount.
Reviewer is a customer: Only customers who have made a purchase can see the discount.
Must be the buyer of the reviewed product: Only customers who have purchased the product they are reviewing can see the discount.

Review conditions

Set conditions regarding the type of review in order to see the discount:

Any review: The discount is shown after any review is completed.
Any review with title and body filled in: The discount is shown only for reviews that include both a title and a body.
Any Rreview with at least one photo: The discount is displayed only for reviews that include a photo.

Minimum ratings

Specify the minimum rating that a review must have in order to receive the discount (1-5 stars).

Reviewers will receive discount code through email. You can customize the email content in Settings > Notifications > Review reward.

When a review has been successfully submitted, the customer will be presented with a discount code. They can use this code to avail a discount during the checkout process for their purchase.

You can also set up a promotional message to encourage leaving a review in exchange for a discount code. Please refer to this article for more information and for guidance on how to set this up.

Overview of Product reviews
Manage all reviews on All Reviews
Import reviews to Product Reviews from Aliexpress
Import reviews to Product Reviews by CSV file

Updated on: 10/06/2024

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