Edit and group description for product variants
A product description brings out the features and benefits of the item. It’s also considered as a marketing method that explains what makes it stand out from others and why it’s worth purchasing. Please visit this article to learn more about product's description.
In campaigns with many products with different descriptions, you can now choose to show either all base product descriptions, or the base product description of selected products, in addition to a general description for the entire campaign. In this article, we will guide you on how to edit general description and base product description for your POD campaigns.
A. Edit base product description
B. Edit campaign's general description
C. Set up the display of product description on your store
D. Different logics before/after feature is enabled
You can edit base product description for individual products of your campaign.
From your PrintBase admin site, go to Catalog.
If you use PrintHub app by ShopBase, from your ShopBase admin site, go to Apps > PrintHub > Catalog.
If you use PlusBase, from your PlusBase admin site, go to POD products > Catalog.
Click the downward arrow symbol of the product you want to change description of > choose Update description.
In the Description template pop-up, update the product description.
Click Save.
Base product description can only be updated for campaigns created after 6:00 PM UTC +7, October 25, 2021. You cannot update base product description for campaigns created before 6:00 PM UTC +7, October 25, 2021.
After base product description is updated, it can take up to 30 minutes to synchronize the new data to all campaigns containing this product.
You can also create and edit general description of a campaign.
From your PrintBase admin site, go to Campaigns > All campaigns.
If you use PrintHub app by ShopBase, from your ShopBase admin site, go to Products > All products, or Apps > PrintHub > All Campaigns
If you use PlusBase, from your PlusBase admin site, go to POD products > All campaigns.
Click on the campaign you want to update description.
In the Product detail page, update the campaign's description.
Click Save changes.
General description can also be set up when creating a new campaign. Please refer to section E of this article on how to set up information about your campaigns before launching them.
From your ShopBase admin site, go to Online store > Preferences.
In Product description, choose:
Show specific description according to the selected variant: The campaign's general description will be displayed first, following by the base product description of the selected product only.
Show full description of all variants: The campaign's general description will be displayed first, following by all base product descriptions of all products.
From October 25, 2021, campaign's general description and base product description will be displayed according to the logic of current Product description setting. Previously launched campaigns show both campaign's general description and all base product descriptions as usual.
With the new option to show specific description according to the selected variant, there will be different ways of display for campaign
If a campaign is cloned to another store, the new campaign in the destination store will have the same description, both campaign general description and all base product descriptions will be displayed; regardless of the Product description setting.
If a campaign is duplicated or bulk duplicated, the new campaign will not have any description; regardless of the Product description setting.
If a campaign is cloned to another store, the new campaign in the destination store will have description according to the Product description settings in the destination store.
If a campaign is duplicated or bulk duplicated, the general description will be prefilled when setting up description and pricing.
Overview of Campaign
In campaigns with many products with different descriptions, you can now choose to show either all base product descriptions, or the base product description of selected products, in addition to a general description for the entire campaign. In this article, we will guide you on how to edit general description and base product description for your POD campaigns.
In this article
A. Edit base product description
B. Edit campaign's general description
C. Set up the display of product description on your store
D. Different logics before/after feature is enabled
A. Edit base product description
You can edit base product description for individual products of your campaign.
From your PrintBase admin site, go to Catalog.

If you use PrintHub app by ShopBase, from your ShopBase admin site, go to Apps > PrintHub > Catalog.

If you use PlusBase, from your PlusBase admin site, go to POD products > Catalog.

Click the downward arrow symbol of the product you want to change description of > choose Update description.

In the Description template pop-up, update the product description.

Click Save.
Base product description can only be updated for campaigns created after 6:00 PM UTC +7, October 25, 2021. You cannot update base product description for campaigns created before 6:00 PM UTC +7, October 25, 2021.
After base product description is updated, it can take up to 30 minutes to synchronize the new data to all campaigns containing this product.
B. Edit campaign's general description
You can also create and edit general description of a campaign.
From your PrintBase admin site, go to Campaigns > All campaigns.

If you use PrintHub app by ShopBase, from your ShopBase admin site, go to Products > All products, or Apps > PrintHub > All Campaigns

If you use PlusBase, from your PlusBase admin site, go to POD products > All campaigns.

Click on the campaign you want to update description.
In the Product detail page, update the campaign's description.

Click Save changes.
General description can also be set up when creating a new campaign. Please refer to section E of this article on how to set up information about your campaigns before launching them.

C. Set up the display of product description on your store
From your ShopBase admin site, go to Online store > Preferences.

In Product description, choose:
Show specific description according to the selected variant: The campaign's general description will be displayed first, following by the base product description of the selected product only.

Show full description of all variants: The campaign's general description will be displayed first, following by all base product descriptions of all products.

From October 25, 2021, campaign's general description and base product description will be displayed according to the logic of current Product description setting. Previously launched campaigns show both campaign's general description and all base product descriptions as usual.
D. Different product description logics
With the new option to show specific description according to the selected variant, there will be different ways of display for campaign
1. For campaigns launched before October 25, 2021:
If a campaign is cloned to another store, the new campaign in the destination store will have the same description, both campaign general description and all base product descriptions will be displayed; regardless of the Product description setting.
If a campaign is duplicated or bulk duplicated, the new campaign will not have any description; regardless of the Product description setting.
2. For campaigns launched after October 25, 2021:
If a campaign is cloned to another store, the new campaign in the destination store will have description according to the Product description settings in the destination store.
If a campaign is duplicated or bulk duplicated, the general description will be prefilled when setting up description and pricing.
Related articles
Overview of Campaign
Updated on: 22/11/2022
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