Check the status of your payout request
After collecting order profits, you can request that this amount be paid out and keep track of all your payouts on your ShopBase admin. In case your payout is refused, you can view the reason on your Balance dashboard. In this article, we will show you how to check the status of your payout request and provide further information on why your payout request was refused.
A. Check the status of your payout request
B. Reasons why your payout request is refused
Once you have completed the payout request as guided in this article, you can click on the View requests button in the Payout section of your Balance dashboard to check the status of your payout request.

There are 3 payout request statuses:
Under Review: Your payout request is being reviewed by the Moderation Team. Please refer to this article for more information on the review time of a payout request.

Approved: Your payout request is approved. Your profit will be transferred to your registered PingPong, Payoneer, or PayPal account within 24 to 48 hours.

Refused: Your payout request is refused. You can click on the icon next to the payout request date to view the refused reason and corresponding solution/advice.

Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
We can’t verify your payment account.
We cannot pay this amount due to your account’s transaction limit.
ShopBase is currently unable to verify your payment account.
Your payout account (Payoneer, PayPal, PingPong) has not been successfully activated.
Contact your account provider or check your Payoneer, PayPal or PingPong account to make sure it is activated and still working properly.
After your account is successfully activated, please make a payout request again so that the Moderation Team can review and approve if it is valid.
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
Your Total current available in the balance is not enough.
Your Current available balance is below the specified threshold of $0.00 due to unpaid service fees.
The requested payout amount exceeds the Available to payout amount.
The amount remaining after requesting payout is insufficient to handle any potential order issue.
Make a top-up payment to cover all overdue service fees.
Make a payout request for a smaller amount that does not exceed the Available to payout amount.
Make a payout request for a specific amount suggested by the Moderation Team (after deducting the hold amount to handle any potential order issue).
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
Your payout request has been rejected due to the high dispute rate of your ShopBase Payments account.
The dispute rate of orders on your store is relatively high according to the ShopBase Payments policy.
Increase order quality, reduce shipping times, and improve customer service. After 30 days, please submit another payout request so that the Moderation Team can review, verify, and proceed with the payout if it is valid.
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
Your payout was rejected due to a high volume of disputes. Please reduce this ratio before the next payout request to prevent any further interruptions to your business operations.
Many orders in your store received disputes due to Fraudulent and Unauthorized reasons (The cardholder opened a dispute with the bank because they did not authorize the transaction for the order).
Concentrate your ads/marketing campaigns in locations with a low dispute rate.
Set up your store with trustworthy information.
Fulfill your orders in time and include genuine tracking numbers for all of them.
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
We found that your business violated the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of [brand name X].
ShopBase discovered that several of your products infringed the Digital Millennium Copy Right Act (DMCA) of [brand name X].
Delete the products with DMCA violations and commit not to resell these products on the store. Then, please submit another payout request so that the Moderation Team can review, verify, and proceed with the payout if it is valid.
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
We found that your business shared similarities with a potentially high-risk store.
Your store shows sign of high risks to ShopBase's payment gateway.
Check the email with the subject [ShopBase] Request to update your business information sent from and provide the requested information.
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
Your payout request is rejected for Moderation to further review.
Due to complicated issues on your store, ShopBase needs more time to review and verify your business.
In addition, ShopBase will contact your via email if any issue arise or notify you of the final result so that you can proceed with the payout as normal.
ShopBase will contact you via email at to request additional information.
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
We found that there are many over- 21-days unfulfilled orders in your store [domain].
Many orders in your store has not been fulfilled 21 days after the order placement date.
Check the email with the subject [ShopBase Payments] Request to provide fulfillment information of your orders OR [ShopBase Payments] Request to update fulfillment information of your orders sent from and provide the requested information.
Fulfill your orders and include genuine tracking numbers for all of them.
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
We found that your business recently performed many high-risk transactions and produced a high-risk level for fraudulent activities.
During the process of fulfilling orders and reviewing users, ShopBase discovered that your store has a large number of transactions blocked by payment gateways for the reasons of high risk or unauthorized transactions.
Check the email with the subject [ShopBase] Request to update your business information sent from and provide the requested information.
Please contact our moderation team at for additional support.
Understand ShopBase Balance
Request a payout
In this article
A. Check the status of your payout request
B. Reasons why your payout request is refused
A. Check the status of your payout request
Once you have completed the payout request as guided in this article, you can click on the View requests button in the Payout section of your Balance dashboard to check the status of your payout request.

There are 3 payout request statuses:
Under Review: Your payout request is being reviewed by the Moderation Team. Please refer to this article for more information on the review time of a payout request.

Approved: Your payout request is approved. Your profit will be transferred to your registered PingPong, Payoneer, or PayPal account within 24 to 48 hours.

Refused: Your payout request is refused. You can click on the icon next to the payout request date to view the refused reason and corresponding solution/advice.

B. Reasons why your payout request is refused
1. Invalid payout methods
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
We can’t verify your payment account.
We cannot pay this amount due to your account’s transaction limit.
ShopBase is currently unable to verify your payment account.
Your payout account (Payoneer, PayPal, PingPong) has not been successfully activated.
Contact your account provider or check your Payoneer, PayPal or PingPong account to make sure it is activated and still working properly.
After your account is successfully activated, please make a payout request again so that the Moderation Team can review and approve if it is valid.
2. Negative Balance/Insufficient Balance
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
Your Total current available in the balance is not enough.
Your Current available balance is below the specified threshold of $0.00 due to unpaid service fees.
The requested payout amount exceeds the Available to payout amount.
The amount remaining after requesting payout is insufficient to handle any potential order issue.
Make a top-up payment to cover all overdue service fees.
Make a payout request for a smaller amount that does not exceed the Available to payout amount.
Make a payout request for a specific amount suggested by the Moderation Team (after deducting the hold amount to handle any potential order issue).
3. High dispute rate
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
Your payout request has been rejected due to the high dispute rate of your ShopBase Payments account.
The dispute rate of orders on your store is relatively high according to the ShopBase Payments policy.
Increase order quality, reduce shipping times, and improve customer service. After 30 days, please submit another payout request so that the Moderation Team can review, verify, and proceed with the payout if it is valid.
4. Fraudulent/Unauthorized disputes
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
Your payout was rejected due to a high volume of disputes. Please reduce this ratio before the next payout request to prevent any further interruptions to your business operations.
Many orders in your store received disputes due to Fraudulent and Unauthorized reasons (The cardholder opened a dispute with the bank because they did not authorize the transaction for the order).
Concentrate your ads/marketing campaigns in locations with a low dispute rate.
Set up your store with trustworthy information.
Fulfill your orders in time and include genuine tracking numbers for all of them.
5. DMCA violation
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
We found that your business violated the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of [brand name X].
ShopBase discovered that several of your products infringed the Digital Millennium Copy Right Act (DMCA) of [brand name X].
Delete the products with DMCA violations and commit not to resell these products on the store. Then, please submit another payout request so that the Moderation Team can review, verify, and proceed with the payout if it is valid.
6. High-risk business
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
We found that your business shared similarities with a potentially high-risk store.
Your store shows sign of high risks to ShopBase's payment gateway.
Check the email with the subject [ShopBase] Request to update your business information sent from and provide the requested information.
7. Further review
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
Your payout request is rejected for Moderation to further review.
Due to complicated issues on your store, ShopBase needs more time to review and verify your business.
In addition, ShopBase will contact your via email if any issue arise or notify you of the final result so that you can proceed with the payout as normal.
ShopBase will contact you via email at to request additional information.
8. Over-21-days unfulfilled orders/ TKN-related issues
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
We found that there are many over- 21-days unfulfilled orders in your store [domain].
Many orders in your store has not been fulfilled 21 days after the order placement date.
Check the email with the subject [ShopBase Payments] Request to provide fulfillment information of your orders OR [ShopBase Payments] Request to update fulfillment information of your orders sent from and provide the requested information.
Fulfill your orders and include genuine tracking numbers for all of them.
9. Failed/Blocked transactions
Reason displayed in Balance dashboard:
We found that your business recently performed many high-risk transactions and produced a high-risk level for fraudulent activities.
During the process of fulfilling orders and reviewing users, ShopBase discovered that your store has a large number of transactions blocked by payment gateways for the reasons of high risk or unauthorized transactions.
Check the email with the subject [ShopBase] Request to update your business information sent from and provide the requested information.
Please contact our moderation team at for additional support.
Related articles
Understand ShopBase Balance
Request a payout
Updated on: 18/08/2022
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