Tips to reduce file size for artwork of POD campaigns on PrintBase & ShopBase
Our system currently only supports images and design files up to 1.5 GB (for .PSD files) and 80MB (for .PNG, .JPG, and .JPEG files) in size. Any files larger than 1.5 GB or 80 MB will not be uploaded. Therefore, if your design file is larger than the limitation, you might want to consider some of our suggestions below to reduce your file size:
A. Tips to reduce PSD file size
B. Tips to reduce image file size
Delete unnecessary layers
Some template layers or unused layers of the design that are not shown should be deleted.

After using product's design template, you may delete the sample layers and keep your design layers.
Merge layers
Your design may include separate layers which are not used for personalization or have effects for personalization. You may merge these layers into one to reduce the design file size.

Crop image
Any oversized area still adds to the file size but won’t show on the final product. You may crop any area that is off-canvas to optimize the file size.
To crop the design quickly, press Ctrl A / Command A to Select all canvas area, then choose Image > Crop.

Resize design
The higher the DPI of a file, the larger its file size. However, it has no effect on the printing quality. Therefore, you should resize your design file to our recommended size and dimensions (which you can refer from our Product Catalog) and set the DPI to 150.

Rasterize Smart Object
Smart Object is convenient when editing as it keeps the values of original images. However, it also increases the file size greatly (as it stores data of other files). You may recognize the Smart Object layer with the symbol as below:

To lower the design file size, rasterize the Smart Objects by: Layer > Rasterize > Smart Object or Right click the layer > Rasterize Layer.
Only Rasterize the Smart Objects that you will not make any changes to.

Optimize effects and smart filters
At the same time, using effects và smart filters will also increase the file size.

You can choose between the two options below to optimize effects and smart filters:
Convert Layer to Smart Object then Rasterize Layer.
Right-click the Effects > Create Layers.

The Effect layers will be converted to normal layers. You can merge these Layers to further reduce the file size.
There are supporting Plugins for Photoshop (such as Smaller PSD) that can help you resize multiple design files at once.
Aside from creating a PSD file with multiple text and image layers ahead of time, you can also directly create and edit the design layer on PrintBase and ShopBase (PrintHub) using our powerful Campaign Editor tool. With this Editor, you can easily upload multiple layers and quickly make different changes to complete your product's design directly on your PrintBase and ShopBase admin site. Please refer to this article on how to create a campaign in Editor.
You can use image processing tools like ImageOptim, iloveimg to compress and optimize the image size before uploading to the website. This helps to reduce the size of the image while maintaining a reasonable quality.
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In this article
A. Tips to reduce PSD file size
B. Tips to reduce image file size
A. Tips to reduce PSD file size
Delete unnecessary layers
Some template layers or unused layers of the design that are not shown should be deleted.

After using product's design template, you may delete the sample layers and keep your design layers.
Merge layers
Your design may include separate layers which are not used for personalization or have effects for personalization. You may merge these layers into one to reduce the design file size.

Crop image
Any oversized area still adds to the file size but won’t show on the final product. You may crop any area that is off-canvas to optimize the file size.
To crop the design quickly, press Ctrl A / Command A to Select all canvas area, then choose Image > Crop.

Resize design
The higher the DPI of a file, the larger its file size. However, it has no effect on the printing quality. Therefore, you should resize your design file to our recommended size and dimensions (which you can refer from our Product Catalog) and set the DPI to 150.

Rasterize Smart Object
Smart Object is convenient when editing as it keeps the values of original images. However, it also increases the file size greatly (as it stores data of other files). You may recognize the Smart Object layer with the symbol as below:

To lower the design file size, rasterize the Smart Objects by: Layer > Rasterize > Smart Object or Right click the layer > Rasterize Layer.
Only Rasterize the Smart Objects that you will not make any changes to.

Optimize effects and smart filters
At the same time, using effects và smart filters will also increase the file size.

You can choose between the two options below to optimize effects and smart filters:
Convert Layer to Smart Object then Rasterize Layer.
Right-click the Effects > Create Layers.

The Effect layers will be converted to normal layers. You can merge these Layers to further reduce the file size.
There are supporting Plugins for Photoshop (such as Smaller PSD) that can help you resize multiple design files at once.
Aside from creating a PSD file with multiple text and image layers ahead of time, you can also directly create and edit the design layer on PrintBase and ShopBase (PrintHub) using our powerful Campaign Editor tool. With this Editor, you can easily upload multiple layers and quickly make different changes to complete your product's design directly on your PrintBase and ShopBase admin site. Please refer to this article on how to create a campaign in Editor.
B. Tips to reduce image file size
You can use image processing tools like ImageOptim, iloveimg to compress and optimize the image size before uploading to the website. This helps to reduce the size of the image while maintaining a reasonable quality.
Related articles
Campaign FAQs & Troubleshooting
Create new campaigns with PrintBase & ShopBase
Create a personalized campaign with PrintBase & ShopBase
Updated on: 19/12/2023
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