Check a chargeback/inquiry status
When a customer of your merchants has an issue with a charge on their credit card, they can contact their bank to dispute the charge. The bank then makes a formal chargeback or inquiry for more information.
If the cardholder's bank issues a chargeback, the bank will immediately deduct the disputed amount from your account. You will also be charged a chargeback fee by the cardholder's bank. If the cardholder's bank makes an inquiry, they do not immediately take the disputed amount or a fee.
When receiving a chargeback/inquiry request, you can resolve the matter by directly contacting the customer, or submitting evidence regarding to the order directly from your admin dashboard. After submitting evidence, you can check the status of the chargeback and inquiry in your ShopBase admin site. This article will show you how to do it in a few simple steps.
From your ShopBase admin site, go to Orders > All orders.

For ShopBase Payments and ShopBase Marketplace Payments users, you can click on Chargebacks & Inquiries tab to see orders with open chargebacks and inquiries. Here, you can also see due dates of each chargeback and inquiry.

This tab is only available for ShopBase Payments and ShopBase Marketplace Payments users.
You must submit evidence for these orders on time to ensure that the due date won't be missed and avoid possible loss dispute. Please refer to this article for a detailed instruction on how to submit a chargeback response.
If you wish to view and manage specific orders with chargeback and/or inquiries status, click on More filters and select Chargeback status and/or Inquiry status. Here, select the statuses you want to filter out and click Apply:
Any: To filter out all orders with chargeback/inquiry requests.
Open: To filter out orders with open chargeback/inquiry requests
Submitted: To filter out orders with successfully submitted chargeback response.
Won: To filter out orders with won chargeback/inquiry.
Lost: To filter out orders with lost chargeback.

You must submit evidence for these orders on time to ensure that the due date won't be missed and avoid possible loss dispute. Please refer to this article for a detailed instruction on how to submit a chargeback/inquiry response.
Select the order you want to see chargeback status of. A chargeback can be in one of the following statuses:
Open: No response has been sent. You need to click Submit response to add evidence and submit the response.

Submitted: The response has been successfully submitted and under review.

Won: Chargeback/Inquiry result is settled and you won it.

Lost: Chargeback/Inquiry result is settled and you lost it.

If the inquiries are lost due to a lack of evidence or the due date is missed, it will become an open chargeback.
Submit a chargeback/inquiry response
Explain Chargeback responses
If the cardholder's bank issues a chargeback, the bank will immediately deduct the disputed amount from your account. You will also be charged a chargeback fee by the cardholder's bank. If the cardholder's bank makes an inquiry, they do not immediately take the disputed amount or a fee.
When receiving a chargeback/inquiry request, you can resolve the matter by directly contacting the customer, or submitting evidence regarding to the order directly from your admin dashboard. After submitting evidence, you can check the status of the chargeback and inquiry in your ShopBase admin site. This article will show you how to do it in a few simple steps.
Step by Step Tutorial
From your ShopBase admin site, go to Orders > All orders.

For ShopBase Payments and ShopBase Marketplace Payments users, you can click on Chargebacks & Inquiries tab to see orders with open chargebacks and inquiries. Here, you can also see due dates of each chargeback and inquiry.

This tab is only available for ShopBase Payments and ShopBase Marketplace Payments users.
You must submit evidence for these orders on time to ensure that the due date won't be missed and avoid possible loss dispute. Please refer to this article for a detailed instruction on how to submit a chargeback response.
If you wish to view and manage specific orders with chargeback and/or inquiries status, click on More filters and select Chargeback status and/or Inquiry status. Here, select the statuses you want to filter out and click Apply:
Any: To filter out all orders with chargeback/inquiry requests.
Open: To filter out orders with open chargeback/inquiry requests
Submitted: To filter out orders with successfully submitted chargeback response.
Won: To filter out orders with won chargeback/inquiry.
Lost: To filter out orders with lost chargeback.

You must submit evidence for these orders on time to ensure that the due date won't be missed and avoid possible loss dispute. Please refer to this article for a detailed instruction on how to submit a chargeback/inquiry response.
Select the order you want to see chargeback status of. A chargeback can be in one of the following statuses:
Open: No response has been sent. You need to click Submit response to add evidence and submit the response.

Submitted: The response has been successfully submitted and under review.

Won: Chargeback/Inquiry result is settled and you won it.

Lost: Chargeback/Inquiry result is settled and you lost it.

If the inquiries are lost due to a lack of evidence or the due date is missed, it will become an open chargeback.
Related articles
Submit a chargeback/inquiry response
Explain Chargeback responses
Updated on: 15/08/2022
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