Block traffic from spy tools to your website
Spyware is software with malicious behavior that aims to collect data from online stores on the market. Being crawled by spyware can cause you to lose your existing revenue because others will also know what is selling in your store and they will sell the same product. Blocking traffic from spyware to your site helps you prevent data leakage. In this article, we will guide you to prevent these software from gathering information from your online store.
From your store admin, go to Online Store > Preferences.

In Additional scripts, paste the scripts below into the Head section.

You can add and update blockReferrer value to your preference.
Click Save.
Due to technical complications, it can be impossible to block some spy traffics. Therefore, we can only provide limited support to this issue.
If you use http domain to redirect to https domain, our script block will not be able to detect spy website source.
Additional scripts added to the store will NOT load on the checkout page for security reasons and to prevent payment interference. Use ShopBase’s built-in tracking and integrations instead.
Block or allow certain countries to access the store
Add custom notices to the product page
Add Power Up Scripts to optimize your store
Step by Step Tutorial
From your store admin, go to Online Store > Preferences.

In Additional scripts, paste the scripts below into the Head section.
var blockReferrer = ['', '', '', ''];
var cName = "__clfref"; function setCookie(e,o,t=2147483647){var n=new Date;n.setTime(n.getTime()+t);var r="expires="+n.toUTCString();document.cookie=e+"="+o+";"+r+";path=/"}function getCookie(e){for(var o=e+"=",t=decodeURIComponent(document.cookie).split(";"),n=0;n<t.length;n++){for(var r=t[n];" "==r.charAt(0);)r=r.substring(1);if(0==r.indexOf(o))return r.substring(o.length,r.length)}return""}function delete_cookie(e){document.cookie=e+"=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;"}window.sbsdk.ready(function(){var;-1!=document.referrer.indexOf(e+"/admin")&&delete_cookie(cName),""!=getCookie(cName)?window.location.href="":document.referrer&&""!=document.referrer&&blockReferrer.some(function(e){if(-1!==document.referrer.indexOf(e))return setCookie(cName,1),window.location.href="",!0})});

You can add and update blockReferrer value to your preference.
Click Save.
Due to technical complications, it can be impossible to block some spy traffics. Therefore, we can only provide limited support to this issue.
If you use http domain to redirect to https domain, our script block will not be able to detect spy website source.
Additional scripts added to the store will NOT load on the checkout page for security reasons and to prevent payment interference. Use ShopBase’s built-in tracking and integrations instead.
Related articles
Block or allow certain countries to access the store
Add custom notices to the product page
Add Power Up Scripts to optimize your store
Updated on: 27/03/2025
Thank you!