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How to add images to imageless variant in PlusBase

With the ultimate goal of enhancing the great experience of E-commerce buyers and protecting sellers from dispute cases, PlusBase has implemented a feature to minimize the exposure of imageless variants on your online store. From 3rd of July 2023, all imageless variants will be hidden from your online store.

In case none of your variants have images, the product will be marked as Sold out in your store. To avoid this, you should immediately add images to the variants.

In this article

A. Instances where a variant may not have accompanying images
B. How to identify and fix imageless variants

A. Instances where a variant may not have accompanying images

There are several cases for a product to appear on your store without variant images, including:

The product is imported from AliExpress which has some imageless variants.
The product is imported from PlusBase Catalog which has some imageless variants.
The product is imported through Private Request via a link that has some imageless variants.
You delete the product variant images in product detail page in Media, Variant Listing and Variant Editing.

The product variant image is deleted in Media
The product variant image is deleted in Variant Listing
The product variant image is deleted in Variant Editing

B. How to identify and fix imageless variants

At variant listing, you will see a message You have x variants that don't have images, click to filter if your product has imageless variants.

To apply the filter, click on Click to filter. This will display only the variants that currently lack images. You can easily undo the filter by clicking Click to unfilter on the message.

Once you have filtered the imageless variants, you can add the images to the variant in two ways:

Click on the variant and a pop-up will appear for you to either select product media or add images from your computer.

In the pop-up, select product media or click Add image to upload images from your device. You can select or upload multiple images for one variant.

Click at Edit variant, go to Variant details and add the images.

There are 3 ways to add images: Add media from URL, Select product media or Add media.

If you accidentally delete the variant images in Media, you will receive the notification message Deleting this image will hide the variant on your online store. Learn more about our policy related to the imageless variant.

In case you delete the variant image in Media by clicking the Bin icon...

The notification message will appear
You can add the image variant in Add media from URL or Add media.

Updated on: 03/07/2023

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