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Inventory management in PlusHub

PlusHub warehouse is designed to assist you in effectively tracking and managing the overall quantity of your inventory while using our fulfillment service. When merchants request a quotation, products will be created in Inventory list. In this article, we will guide you on how to check your inventory in PlusHub.

In this article

A. Check and manage stocks in your inventory
B. Search and filter products in inventory
C. Place an order to restock your inventory
D. See product details in your inventory
E. Make quick actions for products
F. Track your purchase orders

A. Check and manage stocks your inventory

Go to your ShopBase admin site > Fulfillment > PlusHub.

Click Warehouse and you will see the Inventory Management page that displays all your warehouse products along with the real time update of the product quantity in your inventory including:

Available stock: The number of items available in the warehouse.
Incoming: The number of items in transit and is expected to arrive in your warehouse.
Unfulfilled: The number of items waiting to be fulfilled.

Along with the overall number of stock, you can also see the details about each product in your inventory.

Purchased: The number of items paid from the quotations.
Incoming: The number of items in transit and is expected to arrive in your warehouse.
Available stock: The number of items available in the warehouse.
Unfulfilled: The number of items waiting to be fulfilled.
Awaiting stock: The number of items that are waiting to arrive in warehouse.
Processing: The number of items that are currently in the process of fulfilling orders.
Fulfilled: The number of items that are fulfilled.
Average 3-day sales: Average number of items that were ordered within 72 hours.
Restock: Where you can enter the number of items you want to restock.

Purchased = Incoming + Available stock + Processing + Fulfilled

Products in PlusHub warehouse can be mapped with many products in your stores. You can quickly see how many stores have this mutual warehouse item as below.

B. Search and filter products in inventory

You can search for a certain product by typing its name on the search bar.

You can also click More filters to filter products easily.

Warehouse product status: Select Mapped to filter out list of products that were mapped with their respective warehouse items in PlusHub, select Unmapped to filter out list of products that were not mapped with their respective warehouse items in PlusHub.
Purchased: Select >= and write a number to filter out products with numbers of purchased items greater than or equal to the number written. Select <= and write a number to filter out products with numbers of purchased items less than or equal to the number written.
Sold: Select >= and write a number to filter out products with numbers of sold items greater than or equal to the number written. Select <= and write a number to filter out products with numbers of sold items less than or equal to the number written.
Available stock: Select >= and write a number to filter out products with numbers of available stock items greater than or equal to the number written. Select <= and write a number to filter out products with numbers of available stock items less than or equal to the number written.
Unfulfilled: Select >= and write a number to filter out products with numbers of unfulfilled items greater than or equal to the number written. Select <= and write a number to filter out products with numbers of unfulfilled items less than or equal to the number written.

C. Place an order to restock your inventory

From your PlusHub inventory, you can directly place an order to restock your inventory by enter the number of stock you want for all variants and then clicking on Place order.

Next, you will be directed to a new quotation detail page where you can see your product details and make a purchase for your product. If you already entered the quantity you wanted to purchase in the Restock column, when you are directed to product quotation, the number you entered will be automatically filled in.

In Purchase this product, you can choose Fulfill current orders to purchase enough stock for your current unfulfilled orders of this product.

You can also choose Stock products in Purchase this product and edit Ordered quantity to purchase enough stock for only some of the product's variants your need.

Click Purchase and proceed to pay for your purchase.

D. See product details in your inventory

In order to track the details of products in warehouse, you can click the icon to access all information.

In the pop-up, there are two tabs of information you can see.

ShopBase products: Where all products that were mapped with warehouse items are listed. You can:

See product details including image, name and number of variants.
Access the store's product admin page via the store's name.
See how a product is displayed at your website via the product's link.

Stock move: Where you can check the stock of each warehouse item. All variants of an item will be listed here, with the reference number indicating the number of item IN (purchase orders) and OUT (orders in progress of fulfillment) of each variant by day, along with their current status.

You can search for any variant using variant name or reference name on the search bar.
Date: For type IN, the purchase order creation date will be displayed. For type OUT, the submitted date of the order's fulfillment request will be displayed.
Type IN and OUT indicates that the item was moved in or out of your inventory. (For example, type IN represents imported items/ purchase orders, while type OUT indicates that the item has been sold or that the order containing the item has been fulfilled).
Quantity is the number of item that was moved IN or OUT.
Status: Processing means that the stock move is being processed (E.g.: The purchase order is being delivered and has not arrived at warehouse), and Done means the stock move has finished processing (E.g.: The purchase order has been delivered to warehouse).

Click Export to export this information about the line item stock.

E. Make quick actions on products

When tracking your stock in Inventory, other than to Place order, you can take some quick actions which help you manage your store more efficiently. Click on More actions and you will see:

Import to store: You can import this warehouse product with all variants and information directly to your store's products. After importing the product to your ShopBase store, you can easily edit it by clicking Edit product on ShopBase. After a new product in your store has been created by importing from warehouse, it will be automatically mapped with that particular warehouse product in PlusHub.

Successfully imported product can be easily edited
Map product: You can select this option map product from warehouse to your store. You will be directed to product mapping page where you can select the store you want to map this product to. One product in warehouse can be mapped to several products in your store.

Product mapping page

F. Track your purchase orders

In Purchase order tab in Warehouse, you will find all the Purchase orders of all items in warehouse. Purchase orders will be synced and updated once a day.

Incoming: The number of purchase orders are about to be in stock.
In warehouse: The number of purchase orders are currently in ShopBase warehouse.
Canceled: The number of purchase orders you have canceled.
You can easily filter purchase orders according to its status by clicking one of the three purchase order status.

Overview of PlusHub
Map products to PlusHub
Request product quotation in PlusHub
Purchase products in PlusHub
Fulfill order via PlusHub

Updated on: 05/04/2023

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